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  • Writer's pictureJuilet Archer

Back in the USA

2 May 2013.  General

I'm thrilled to be back in the USA and heading to the 2013 RT Booklovers' Convention!

First stop is Ohio, where my sister lives and where my son Will is attending university. It's currently a warm, sunny place of beauty, with trees in full blossom and some stunning displays of spring flowers. I particularly love the 'redbud' tree, which I've never seen in England.

Tomorrow Will and I are heading to Kansas City to join the Choc Lit crowd at the RT Booklovers' Convention. This is already in full swing. As an English major, he is going 'for the good of his education'. He's also taking part in my 'Celebrating 200 Years of Pride & Prejudice' workshop on Sunday afternoon and helping out generally as a convention volunteer.

We can't wait!

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