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Juilet Archer
Jul 28, 20152 min read
Jane in the Jacuzzi
28 August 2015. The Life of Jane The other day, as I basked in Champneys’ outdoor jacuzzi, my thoughts turned to Jane Austen and her...
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Juilet Archer
Jan 29, 20132 min read
What did Jane Write 200 Years Ago?
29 January 2013. The Life of Jane I hope you received my little parcel by J. Bond on Wednesday evening, my dear Cassandra, and that you...
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Juilet Archer
Jan 28, 20131 min read
Jane Austen's Darling Child
28 January 2013. The Life of Jane Pride & Prejudice, possibly the most famous novel in the whole world, was born 200 years ago today. In...
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